General Community Resources
Links and resources for external assistance programs.
Health Resources
- Hygiene Products-Catherine McAuley Center-Linn County
- Mercy Medical Angels' Transportation-Iowa
- Buy.Eat.Live Health-ISU Extension-Linn County Residence
- Hawki-Outreach Coordinator-Buchanan, Black Hawk, Bremer, Grundy
- Hawki-Outreach Coordinator-Tama, Marshall, Story, Boone, Hardin
- Hawki-Outreach Coordinator-Scott County
Housing Assistance
- Waypoint Housing Services
- Coordinated Entry-Housing-Community Solutions of Eastern Iowa -Dubuque
- Iowa Mortgage Help-Iowa
- Green Iowa Americorps Home Audit-Linn County
- Housing/Rental-HUD Website
- Marion Cares-Marion Iowa Residence Only
Food Resources
- Coordinated Entry-Understanding What It Is
- Disability Rights-Iowa
- Comprehensive Housing Rehab-Cedar Rapids
- Immigration Legal Services-Catholic Charities-Cedar Rapids
- Equipping Youth-Linn County
- Child Care Resource and Referral-CCRR